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Allgäuer Emmentaler

Emmentaler is an extra-hard cheese that originated in Switzterland. Allgäuer Emmentaler is Germany's version of the cheese. It is legally protected and can only be produced in the Allgäu Alps region, an area in southern Swabia (Schwaben). The milk used to produce the cheese must also be from dairies in this area.

Allgäuer Emmentaler has a shorter aging period and is therefore milder than the Swiss Emmentaler. Allgäuer Emmentaler has a fat content of 45%.

Cheese Category:  Extra Hard Cheeses

Country of Origin:  Germany 

Specialty of:  Allgäu (a region in Swabia, Bavaria) 

Cheese Characteristics

Main Ingredient(s): Raw cow's milk

Age (Ripening Period): 3+ months

Flavor: Mildly nutty.

Consistency: Flexible but firm. Cherry-sized wholes throughout dough. Golden yellow in color. Brownish-yellow natural rind.

Sliceable? Yes

Spreadable? No

Crumbles? No

Use for melting? Yes

Use in dips? Yes

Dessert cheese? Yes

Cooking and Preparation Tips
Allgäuer Emmentaler works well in both cold and warm dishes. It melts well and is often used for Fondue. It is also often used in sandwiches (Butterbrot) as well as cheese platters.

Emmentaler cheese has been produced in Switzerland since the 18th century. In Allgäu, a round hard cheese has been produced for centuries but with inconsistent results. In 1821, Josef Aurel Stadler and two other Swiss cheesemakers went to Weiler (west Allgäu) in order to produce their Emmentaller cheese there. However, it took six years before continuous production of the cheese got underway. Over time, many village cheese dairies sprang up throughout Allgäu, but the technology remained simple. Over the next 20 years, quality improved and many of the region's dairies were able to produce high quality Emmentaler cheeses. 

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