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Christmas Advent Calendar - December 7

Traditional Christmas Eve Meals

Today we're going to begin a series on traditional German meals on Christmas Eve.  The meal on Christmas Eve in Germany is usually a simple one - something that doesn't take much time to prepare. There are a number of reasons behind this tradition.

First, historically, the 40 days before Christmas were a time fasting. This fast ended on Christmas Day, at which time all food and eating restrictions were gone and one could again enjoy a feast. Beginning in the 20th century, this fasting period was no longer observed. However, the tradition remains today to keep the Christmas Eve meal simple and light. 

Second, the meal on Christmas Day is a huge feast enjoyed by family and guests.   Keeping the meal simple on Christmas Eve gives the home chef time to begin preparing for the Christmas meal the day before.

Third, many families in Germany attend church services and open gifts on Christmas Eve (not to mention it is still a work day) So, a lighter meal, which is easy to prepare, fits better into a busy day.

Traditional Christmas Eve Meal #1: Potato Salad (Kartoffelsalat)

     Potato Salad (Kartoffelsalat)
Photo: © Swetlana Wall -

What is served with the Potato Salad?
The potato salad is rarely served on its own.  It is accompanied by a simple meat dish, one that is easy to prepare.  Here are some Christmas Eve favorites:
•  Schnitzel
•  Frikadelle
•  Bratwurst
•  Knackwurst
•  Frankfurter

The most popular Christmas Eve meal is potato salad. It is easy to prepare yet delicious. Every family has their favorite version of potato salad.  Here are two great potato salad recipes, one is made with mayonaise and the other is made without.

Potato Salad (with Mayonaise)

4 lbs Red Potatoes
1 medium Yellow Onion, finely chopped
2 cups Chicken Broth
2 tablespoons Vinegar (a mild one works best)
1 teaspoon Mustard
Salt, Pepper, Sugar - to taste
1 cup Mayonaise (choose a good one!)
5 Eggs, hard-boiled
2 Sausages, such as Frankfurters or Knackwurst
Parsley, finely chopped

Boil the potatoes in water until soft. Drain and allow to cool completely. 

Add the sausages to a pot of water and heat just to below the boiling point - do not allow them to boil.  Remove the pot from the heat and allow sausages to sit in the hot water for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove the sausages and place them on a plate to allow them to cool a bit.  Cut the sausages into small cubes.

Peel the shells off the hard boiled eggs and chop the eggs into small cubes.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, then add them to a large bowl.  Fold in the chopped onions.

Add the broth, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper, and sugar to a small pot. Mix these ingredients then gently heat the mixture until it begins to boil.  Allow it to cool slightly, then pour over the potatoes.  Let this sit for 15 minutes.

Fold in the mayonaise, eggs, and sausages. Garnish with parsley.

Potato Salad (without Mayonaise)
2 lbs Red Potatoes
1 medium Yellow Onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup Chicken Broth
5 slices Bacon
2 tablespoons Vinegar (White Wine or Apple Cidar)
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 tablespoons finely chopped Parsley

Boil the potatoes in water until soft. Drain and allow to cool somewhat.  Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, then add them to a large bowl.  Cover the bowl with a plate or aluminum foil to keep the potatoes warm.

Cut the bacon into small pieces. Add the oil to a small frying pan and fry the bacon in the oil until crispy. Pour the bacon and the grease over the potatoes.   Gently stir the potatoes.

Heat the chicken broth in the same pan as the bacon was cooked in, and pour this over the potatoes. Drizzle the vinegar over potatoes. Gently stir the potatoes.  Cover the bowl again to keep the potatoes warm. 

Season the potatoes with salt and pepper to taste. Add the chopped parsely. Gently stir the potatoes again, then cover and allow to sit for 15-30 minutes so the potatoes absorb all the flavors.

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