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German Food Guide
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Soups, Stews, Casseroles, & Sauces

Soup (Suppe)

There are basically two types of soups in German cuisine. Clear soups are broth based soups, where beef, poultry, pork, or game meats are boiled in water. The flavors in the meat are transferred to the water. Vegetables and/or noodles are added for heartiness. Soups made with a binding agent are thick soups. This includes soups made pureed vegetables, cream-based soups, and soups thickened with grain based foods (such as flour or corn starch).

Among Germany's most well-known soups is the Bavarian liver dumpling soup (Leberknödelsuppe), a clear soup (broth based soup) served with one large liver dumpling. Likewise, pea soup (Erbsensuppe), lentil soup (Linzensuppe) and ox tail soup (Ochsenschwanzsuppe) are popular soups in German cuisine. Eel soup (Aalsuppe) is a popular soup in Northern Germany, especially in Hamburg. Other well-known regional soups include potato soup (Kartoffelsuppe), escargot soup (Schneckensuppe), and wedding soup (Hochzeitssuppe).

Stew (Eintopf)

Stews are hearty soups that are eaten as a main meal. They are most often made with meat, vegetables, and a carbohydrate source such as noodles, rice, or potatoes. The German name "Eintopf" came about that all ingredients were cooked in one pot (ein Topf).

Casserole (Auflauf)

A casserole is a warm dish, made with a varieties of ingredients, and baked in a casserole dish in the oven. Casseroles can be savory or sweet. Savory casseroles are a mixture of vegetables and/or meats with noodles, rice, or potatoes. A binding agent, such as cheese or a milk-egg mixture, is used to bind the ingredients together. Sweet casseroles, served as dessert, most often include fruit, bread, or Zwieback.

Casseroles are very popular in German cuisine. Among the favorites are those made with Spätzle, rice, and potatoes.
Soups, Stews, Casseroles, Sauces

Below, we list several of the most well-known German soups, salads, casseroles, and sauces. Select a dish below to get detailed information and recipes.
Frankfurter Grüne Sosse
Gaisburger Marsch
Goose Liver Soup
Gulaschsuppe (Goulasch Soup)
Lentil Soup
Lentils with Spätzle
Liver Dumpling Soup
Pea Soup (Erbsensuppe)
Potato Soup (Kartoffelsuppe)


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