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Also Known As: G'frorns
Eisbock is an "ice" Bock beer that was invented by mistake. Eisbocks are frozen near the end of their maturation period. During this process, the beer loses about 7 to 10% of its water content. As a result, the alcohol concentration in the beer increases, usually to about 10% by volume, about twice as much as the 4.5 to 5.5% of a regular German lager. Eisbocks are barley-based and have all the characteristics of a typical Bock beer, only they are much maltier and smoother, even more than the Dopplebocks.
Classification: Starkbier
Type of Beer: Lager
Alcohol Content: 8-10%
Extract Value: 21%
Region: Bavaria (Bayern)
Well Known Brands
Beer Characteristics
Heavy. Rich. Malty-sweet. Dark brown in color. Creamy head. Malty aroma. The alcohol is evident in the taste.
It is not exactly known when or where the Eisbock was invented. However, a legend dates its invention to the year 1890 in the city of Kulmbach. According to the tale, a brewer's assistant was given the order from the brewmaster to roll the casks of finished Bockbier from the brewery yard back into the cellar for the evening. However, the brewer's assistant was too tired after a long day of hard work. He decided to leave the casks where they were and went home. During the night, it became bitterly cold, causing the beer to freeze and the casks to burst open.
The following morning, the brewers returned to work and, noticing the frozen beer, thought their brew was ruined. But then they noticed that at the center of the frozen beer was a browish liquid. The brewers were unaware that alcohol has a much lower freezing point than water, and that it became concentrated as the beer froze in the casks from the outside in.
As punishment, the brewmaster instructed his assistant to drink the brown, murky liquid. Much to everyone's surprise, the beer was delicious, malty, sweet, and strong.